CLI Commands

ServisBOT CLI provides an interface for managing every aspect of your organization and bots.

Available Commands

  sb-cli alarm <command>              Used to perform actions associated with alarms
  sb-cli app <command>                Used to perform actions with a configured ServisBot app
  sb-cli auth-profile <command>       Used to perform actions associated with auth profiles
  sb-cli baas <command>               Used to perform actions associated with baas
  sb-cli blueprint <command>          Used to perform actions associated with blueprints
  sb-cli bot <command>                Used to perform actions associated with bots
  sb-cli chs <command>                Used to perform actions associated with chs
  sb-cli content <command>            Used to perform actions associated with CMS content
  sb-cli conversation <command>       Used to perform actions associated with conversations
  sb-cli crm <command>                Used to perform actions associated with CRM collections
  sb-cli dashboard <command>          Used to perform actions associated with dashboard
  sb-cli email-template <command>     Used to perform actions associated with email templates
  sb-cli endpoint <command>           Used to perform actions associated with endpoints
  sb-cli entity <command>             Used to perform actions associated with entities
  sb-cli form <command>               Used to perform actions associated with form
  sb-cli goal <command>               Used to perform actions associated with goals
  sb-cli goal-conversion <command>    Used to perform actions associated with conversions
  sb-cli intent <command>             Used to perform actions associated with bot intents
  sb-cli intent-category <command>    Used to perform actions associated with bot intents categories
  sb-cli intent-insight <command>     Used to perform actions associated with intent insghts
  sb-cli job <command>                Used to perform actions associated with jobs
  sb-cli login <organization>         Used to authenticates our cli for use within your org
  sb-cli logs <command>               Used to perform actions associated with organization logs
  sb-cli metric <command>             Used to perform actions associated with metrics
  sb-cli missed-input <command>       Used to perform actions associated with missed input
  sb-cli ml-model <command>           Used to perform actions associated with Ml Models
  sb-cli monitoring <command>         Used to perform actions associated with monitoring
  sb-cli nlu <command>                Used to perform actions associated with NLU commands
  sb-cli pathway <command>            Used to perform actions associated with pathway
  sb-cli project <command>            Used to perform actions associated with projects
  sb-cli region <command>             Used to perform actions associated with regions
  sb-cli role <command>               Used to perform actions associated with roles
  sb-cli sbapp <command>              Used to perform actions associated with Sb Apps
  sb-cli secret <command>             Used to perform actions associated with secrets
  sb-cli subflow <command>            Used to perform actions associated with subflows
  sb-cli table <command>              Used to perform actions associated with tables
  sb-cli training <command>           Used to perform actions associated with intent training
  sb-cli user <command>               Used to perform actions associated with users
  sb-cli virtual-assistant <command>  Used to perform actions associated with virtual assistant
  sb-cli worker <command>             Used to perform actions associated with workers


It is possible to use profiles with the servisbot-cli as of version 3.1.0. Profiles allow you to use a –profile option on all commands to specifiy a particular user to use when running the command. This is typically useful when working with staging and production accounts.

sb-cli region set eu-1 --profile production
sb-cli login my-production-org --profile production

sb-cli region set eu-1 --profile staging
sb-cli login my-staging-org --profile staging

#staging and production profiles now available for all commands
sb-cli bot list --profile staging

sb-cli bot describe myProductionBot --profile production


Authenticates the servisbot-cli for use with your organization


Create and manage your bots

sb-cli bot create <json>                           Creates a bot from inline JSON or a file                                            
sb-cli bot delete <bot_name>                       Deletes a bot by the given name 
sb-cli bot delete-intents <bot>                    Deletes a particular bots intents    
sb-cli bot describe <bot_name>                     Describes a bot with the given name  
sb-cli bot download <name>                         Downloads a bot definition, saves all assets related to that bot to the current directory.    
sb-cli bot download-templated <name>               Downloads a bot definition, templates and saves all assets related to that bot to the current directory.  
sb-cli bot import <bot>                            Imports an remote nlp into the given bot name                                             
sb-cli bot list                                    Lists all available bots  
sb-cli bot patch <name> <json_path> <replacement>  Patch to a particular piece of a bot. The JSON Path is where the patch will apply   
sb-cli bot publish <name>                          Publish Intents
sb-cli bot update <json>                           Updates a bot from inline JSON or a file 
sb-cli bot upgrade <bot_name> <va_name>            Enhances a bot with the given name
sb-cli bot upload <directory>                      Uploads a bot definition using the directory provided                              
sb-cli bot upload-templated <directory>            Uploads a templated bot definition using the directory provided  
sb-cli bot watch                                   Watches a directory containing a manifest for changes - uploads any modified definitions

Creating a bot

Bots requires a Name and at least one valid worker

Example for creating bots with required fields

      "Name": "BotName",
      "Workers": [           
          "Id": "abcdef1"

Example with all fields

    "Name": "BotName",
    "State": "RUNNING",
    "Timezone": "GMT +00:00 Dublin",
    "DisplayName": "SomeBotname",
    "Persona": "default-bot",
    "Description": "description",
    "SecureSession": true,
    "QuietTimeEnabled": true,
    "Id": "",
    "Workers": [
        "Id": "abcdef1"
    "NluManagementMode": "ServisBOT"
  • NluManagementMode can be either ServisBOT or Remote


Create and manage connectors

sb-cli baas create <json>           Creates a baas from inline JSON or a file path       
sb-cli baas delete <alias>          Deletes a baas by the alias                          
sb-cli baas describe <alias>        Describes a baas with the given alias             
sb-cli baas execute <json>          Executes a BAAS from inline JSON or a file           
sb-cli baas list                    Lists all available BAAS APIs     
sb-cli baas restrictions <command>  Manage BaaS restriction groups                                           
sb-cli baas update <json>           Updates a BAAS from inline JSON or a file           

Creating a BaaS

These are the required fields for creating a BaaS through the CLI

  "Alias": "N3F7Yq_1St",
  "Endpoint": "",
  "RequestMapping": {},
  "ResponseMapping": {},
  "Headers": {},
  "Method": "GET",
  "Body": {}

Example with all fields

    "Alias": "N3F7Yq_1St",
    "Endpoint": "",
    "RequestMapping": { "key": "mapping" },
    "ResponseMapping": { "key": "mapping" },
    "Headers": { "key": "headers" },
    "Method": "GET",
    "Body": { "key": "body" }


Create and manage endpoints

sb-cli endpoint create <json>                              Creates an endpoint from inline JSON or a file
sb-cli endpoint delete <address>                           Deletes an endpoint by the given address
sb-cli endpoint describe <address>                         Describes an endpoint with the given address
sb-cli endpoint list                                       Lists all available endpoints
sb-cli endpoint update <json>                              Updates an endpoint from inline JSON or a file
sb-cli endpoint patch <address> <json_path> <replacement>  Patch to a particular piece of an endpoint. The JSON Path is where the patch will apply

Creating an Endpoint

These are the required fields for creating an endpoint through the CLI

   "Address": "SomeAddress",
   "Name": "NiceName",
   "Status": "online",
   "TargetBotReference": "botName",
   "InboundBotReference": "botName",
   "OutboundBotReference": "botName",
   "Useragent": "userAgent",
   "AllowedDomains": [],

Additionally, a Style property can be assigned to theme the bot, or an engagement adapter can be set


Create and manage workers.

sb-cli worker create <json>                         Creates a worker from inline JSON or a file   
sb-cli worker cycle-detection <worker_id>           Performs cycle detection on the given worker                                     
sb-cli worker delete <worker_name>                  Deletes a worker by the given name     
sb-cli worker dependencies <worker_id>              Lists dependencies for a given worker ID                                            
sb-cli worker describe <worker_id>                  Describes a worker with the given name 
sb-cli worker list [type]                           Lists all worker with optional type                                          
sb-cli worker update <json>                         Updates a worker from inline JSON or a file                                        
sb-cli worker patch <id> <json_path> <replacement>  Patch to a particular piece of a worker. The JSON Path is where the patch will apply                                    

Creating a Worker

Creating a worker requires at least the fields Name, Type, Enabled, Data, Config

    "Name": "SweetName",
    "Type": "r2-filter-worker",
    "Enabled": true,
    "Data": {},     
    "Config": {},

Example of a more advanced worker definition

  "Name": "filterWorker",
  "Description": "Filter Worker",
  "Enabled": true,
  "Type": "r2-filter-worker",
  "Config": {
    "Avatar": "default-bot"
  "Data": {
    "pageEvents": [
        "alias": "hit-api",
        "actions": [
            "type": "baas",
            "alias": "wellBaaas"
            "type": "baas",
            "alias": "wellBaaas1"
        "alias" : "send-something",
        "match" :{
          "path": "$",
          "value": "botty"
        "actions" : [
            "type": "message",
            "value": "hello there, botty"
        "alias": "send-something",
        "actions": [
            "type": "message",
            "value": "hello there"
        "alias": "trigger-flow",
        "actions": [
            "type": "flow",
            "value": {
              "type": "r2-avalanche-worker",
              "deferRelease": true,
              "id": "d2ccd1dc-3c51-4ec1-be29-bf6588602b48"


Create bots from Blueprints

sb-cli blueprint list               Lists all available blueprints                 
sb-cli blueprint build <json>       Builds a from a blueprint using inline JSON or a file
sb-cli blueprint build-interactive  Builds a from a blueprint interactively


Monitor Conversations

sb-cli conversation create <endpoint>                               Create a conversations
sb-cli conversation export <startDate> <endDate>                    Begin export of conversation data for your Organization between the date range supplied
sb-cli conversation export-status <exportId>                        Check the status of a given export job
sb-cli conversation export-download <exportId> [-o <outputFile>]    Download the results of a given export job
sb-cli conversation searchConversationEntries                       Search Conversation Entries 


Configure organization secrets

sb-cli secret create <json>                     Creates a secret from inline JSON or a file                                            
sb-cli secret delete <srn>                      Deletes a secret by the given srn  
sb-cli secret describe <srn>                    Describes a secret with the given Srn 
sb-cli secret list                              Lists all available secrets        
sb-cli secret update <json>                     Updates an secret from inline JSON or a file                                           
sb-cli secret create-interactive                Creates a secret interactively    
sb-cli secret create-external-id <secret_name>  Creates a external id           

Creating a Secret

These are the bare minimum required fields for creating a secret of type secretdoc.

  "Name": "my-secret",
  "Type": "secretdoc",
  "Value": {
    "Some": "data"

These are the bare minimum required fields for creating a secret of type secret.

  "Name": "my-secret",
  "Type": "secret",
  "Value": "some data",


View and export goals

sb-cli goal count <goal>      Get goal counts                          
sb-cli goal export bot <bot>  Exports goals by BotName                
sb-cli goal sum <bot>         Gets the sum of each goals for the given bot, for a specific time dimension  

Exporting by Bot

sb-cli goal export bot <bot>

To convert this export to CSV, add a few parameters to clean up the output: -q, format into csv -o csv, and > filename.csv to push the results to a file.

sb-cli goal export bot <bot> -q -o csv > filename.csv

Exporting by Goal

sb-cli goal count <goal>
Parameter Options Default Description
<goal> NA Required The bot you want to export
–groupBy, or –gb bot bot What you want to group by
–start, -s NA “2019/4/3” The time to begin searching from in the form YYYY/MM/DD
–end, -e NA “2019/4/3” The time to finish searching to in the form YYYY/MM/DD


Group goal interactions together

sb-cli goal-conversion create <json>                           Creates a conversion from inline JSON or a file path                    
sb-cli goal-conversion describe <bot_name> <conversion_name>   Describes a conversion for a particular bot                          
sb-cli goal-conversion list                                    Get a list of conversions 
sb-cli goal-conversion delete <bot_name> <conversion_name>     Deletes a conversion by the name for a particular bot                   
sb-cli goal-conversion update <json>                           Updates a Conversion from inline JSON or a file                         
sb-cli goal-conversion calculate <bot_name> [conversion_name]  Describes all conversions or a particular conversion for a given bot


Create and manage virtual assistants

sb-cli va create <json>                Creates a virtual assistant from inline JSON or a file                             
sb-cli va delete <va_name>             Deletes a virtual assistant by the given name                                      
sb-cli va describe <va_name>           Describes a virtual assistant with the given name          
sb-cli va download <va_name>           Downloads a virtual assistant with the given name   
sb-cli va list                         Lists all available virtual assistants                                            
sb-cli va publish <va_name>            Publishes a virtual assistant by the given name                                    
sb-cli va update <json>                Updates a virtual assistant from inline JSON or a file                             
sb-cli va upload <directory>           Uploads a virtual assistant definition using the directory provided 


Set your CLI region

sb-cli region set <region>  Sets the region to be used by the ServisBot CLI. Available regions: eu-1 and us1
sb-cli region show          Returns the region currently used by the CLI


Pull data exports

sb-cli metric apiResponses <apiAlias>          Get metric for api responses
sb-cli metric businessGoal [goals..]           Get metric for business goals  
sb-cli metric businessGoalCategory <category>  Get metric for business goals by category 
sb-cli metric channelShift                     Get metric for channel shift
sb-cli metric csat                             Get metrics for csat records   
sb-cli metric dau                              Get metric for daily active users
sb-cli metric intentConsumption                Get metric for intent consumption     
sb-cli metric response-time                    Get metric response time      
sb-cli metric restrictionGroup <apiAlias>      Get metric for restriction group
sb-cli metric session-events                   Get metric for session events 
sb-cli metric transaction <range>              Get metric transactions       
sb-cli metric userInput                        Get metric for user inputs                      


Manage users and permissions

sb-cli user update <json>                 Updates a user from inline JSON or a file            
sb-cli user create <json>                 Creates a user from inline JSON or a file            
sb-cli user describe <email>              Describes a user for the given email                 
sb-cli user list                          Lists all available user  
sb-cli user listSubscriptions             List all subscriptions for all users
sb-cli user subscribe <email> <report>    Subscribes a user for the given email to the given report name                                 
sb-cli user unsubscribe <email> <report>  Unsubscribes a user for the given email from the given report name                              
sb-cli user delete <email>                Deletes a user for the given email                 


View roles and permissions

sb-cli role list  Lists all available roles


Create and manage intents

sb-cli intent analyze <bot_name>                         Runs AI powered intent analytics against the chosen bot                              
sb-cli intent create <json>                              Creates a intent from inline JSON or a file path                                    
sb-cli intent delete <bot> <alias>                       Deletes a particular intent    
sb-cli intent dependencies <bot> <alias>                 Lists dependencies for a given intent
sb-cli intent describe <bot> [alias]                     Describes an intent            
sb-cli intent export                                     exports the intents for the given bot/va                                           
sb-cli intent import <utterances> [actions]              Begin import of intents for a bot     
sb-cli intent lift-shift <nlpType> <botName> <filePath>  Lifts a bot from its NLP provider, and imports it as ServisBot Intents               
sb-cli intent list <bot>                                 Get a list of intents for a bot  
sb-cli intent update <json>                              Updates an intent from inline JSON or a file 

intent categories

Create and manage intent categories

sb-cli intent-category create <json>                  Creates an intent category from inline JSON or a file path                 
sb-cli intent-category delete <bot> <categoryAlias>   Deletes a particular intent category                                      
sb-cli intent-category describe <bot> <categoryAlias> Describes an intent category                                            
sb-cli intent-category list-categories <bot>          Get a list of intent categories for a bot                                 
sb-cli intent-category list-category-intents <bot> <categoryAlias> Get a list of intent categories for a bot                                
sb-cli intent-category update <json>                  Updates an intent category from inline JSON or a file 


Check Job Statuses

sb-cli job status <srn>  Gets the status of a job                               


Monitor missed-input

sb-cli missed-input export                                          Exports missed input     
sb-cli missed-input list <targetType> <target> [limit] [nextToken]  Lists new missed inputs, limited to the supplied limit and paginated by the supplied token                      
sb-cli missed-input resolve <uuid>                                  Resolves a missed input                               


Watch logs

sb-cli logs export   
sb-cli logs exportStatus <id>
sb-cli logs find                  Find logs based on filters for your organization. Defaults to today if no time frame is supplied       
sb-cli logs retrieveExportUrl <id>
sb-cli logs watch                 Watches logs for your organization                              


Setup and manage auth profiles

sb-cli auth-profile create <json>             Creates an auth profile from inline JSON or a file path                                  
sb-cli auth-profile describe <alias>          Describes an auth profile from the given alias                                        
sb-cli auth-profile list <limit> [nextToken]  Lists auth profiles, limited to the supplied limit and paginated by the supplied token   
sb-cli auth-profile delete <alias>            Deletes an auth profile with the given alias                                           
sb-cli auth-profile update <json>             Updates an auth profile with the given alias from inline JSON or a file path             


Manage training of intents

sb-cli training create-changeset <json>          Creates a changeset from params or a file
sb-cli training apply-changeset <bot> <alias>    Applies a changeset
sb-cli training describe-changeset <bot> <alias> Describes a changeset
sb-cli training classification-report            Generates a User Input classification report
sb-cli training list-recommendations             Returns recommendations for a resource type
  <resourceType> <resourceName>                  and name

Creating and applying changeset allows users to add utterances to an existing or new intent. To create a changeset the json should be of the form:

  "Bot": "BotName",                             /*Required*/
  "Alias": "MyChangeset",                       /*Required*/
  "Description": "My First Changeset",          /*Required*/
  "Path": "/path/to/file/file.csv",             /*Required*/

An example of the changeset file is as follows

Utterance,Suggested Intent,Action
"I need to pay off a loan","loan_help","ADD_UTTERANCE"
"I need some help","support","CREATE_INTENT"
"My loan is paid off","loan_help","REMOVE_UTTERANCE"

The valid options for Action are ADD_UTTERANCE, CREATE_INTENT and REMOVE_UTTERANCE

Once you apply a changeset, it cannot be deleted.

Generating a classification report

Example of specifying the bot and day for the classification report

sb-cli training classification-report -b my-bot-name -d "2020/03/03"
  • Please note the format of the date is ‘YYYY/MM/DD’ and must be surrounded in quotes.
  • If you do not specify a day, today’s date will be used by default.


CRM is used to manage custom collections of data.

sb-cli crm create <json>  Creates a CRM collection                                       
sb-cli crm delete <name>  Deletes a CRM collection              
sb-cli crm list           Lists all CRM collections  


Detailed time-ranged details available from the dashboard command

sb-cli dashboard create <json>     Creates a dashboard from inline JSON or a file    
sb-cli dashboard delete <alias>    Deletes a dashboard by the given alias               
sb-cli dashboard describe <alias>  Describes a dashboard with the given alias           
sb-cli dashboard list              Lists all available dashboards       
sb-cli dashboard update <json>     Updates a dashboard from inline JSON or a file 


ServisBOT forms is an add-on that allows capturing information from end-users outside of the conversation timeline. Its best used when a process requires that a bot collect many fields of information with validation and helptext.

sb-cli form create <json>  Creates a form from inline JSON or a file                  
sb-cli form delete <id>    Deletes a form for the given id                                   
sb-cli form describe <id>  Describes a form with the given id                           
sb-cli form list           Lists all available forms                                     
sb-cli form update <json>  Updates a form from inline JSON or a file