Custom NLU Engines

Custom NLU Engines

ServisBOT supports the hosting of custom NLU models to perform the function of the Virtual Assistant Dispatcher.

An example of the request and response from a Custom NLU is shown below

curl --location --request POST 'https://<servisbot-custom-nlu-domain>/model/parse' \
--header 'Authorization: ApiKey your-custom-api-key' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "text": "I need to talk about an insurance claim"

And a typical response

    "text": "I need to talk about an insurance claim",
    "intent": {
        "name": "claims_bot",
        "confidence": 0.98
    "intent_ranking": [
            "name": "claims_bot",
            "confidence": 0.98
            "name": "liveagent_transfer",
            "confidence": 0.01
            "name": "home_bot",
            "confidence": 0.01
    "inference_time_ms": 22