Auth Profile

Auth profiles are used to authenticate with external auth services. Currently we support oauth2.

Setup using the cli.

A secret needs to be created, here is an example of a secret required for Microsoft 365 OAuth2. Your secret SRN will be returned from the create command.

sb-cli secret create secret.json

  "Name": "secretforoauth",
  "Organization": "servisbot",
  "Type": "secretdoc",
  "Value": {
    "secret": "Microsoft Application Client Secret"

You will need to then run the following command in the cli.

sb-cli auth-profile create authProfile.json

authProfile.json file looks like this:

  "Alias": "my-auth-profile",
  "Type": "oauth2",
  "Vendor": "ms",
  "Configuration": {
    "RedirectUrl": "",
    "ClientId": "02a1c3ed-6fd0-4482-a61d-e21022f3123124",
    "ClientSecret": "srn:vault::YOUR_ORG:secretdoc:secretforoauth",
    "AuthenticationUrl": "",
    "AccessUrl": ""

You will need to allow the following URLs to the MS authentication section:

Redirect Url

This is the url where your messenger is hosted. We will redirect to this page once the oauth handshake has completed, and the secure session userToken will be in the url params.

Note that the RedirectUrl is not the OAuth2 redirect_uri. The redirect_uri should be set to ServisBots token broker API. US ->
EU ->

The URL token broker needs to be registered in your Application, for example, in Azure:


Authentication Url

This is the url that the user needs to oauth against. This returns the authentication token to the redirect_url mentioned above to be used to request access via oauth.

Access Url

This url is used to convert the authentication token to an access token, so we can validate the user’s session.

Using BAAS with Auth Profiles

Setup using the cli.

An alias needs to be created in the BAAS, using the following command:

sb-cli baas create baas.json

baas.json file looks like this:

  "Alias": "authenticatedBAAS",
  "Body": {},
  "Endpoint": "", 
  "Headers": {},
  "Method": "POST",
  "RequestMapping": {},
  "ResponseMapping": {},
  "AuthProfile": "ProfileName" // Use your profile name here

The BAAS connector in this case requires the Secure Session UUID generated by Servisbot to be passed as context in a variable called SecureSessionToken when executing a BAAS. For more information about passing a variable during execution see: Getting Started BAAS

BAAS Canvas Node

The node in the canvas will automatically add the SecureSessionToken context to a BAAS invocation provided that when the BAAS was selected in the node the AuthProfile was already applied to the respective BAAS.

If the AuthProfile is added afterwards you will need to reselect the BAAS in the node and save/deploy the flow.

If the AuthProfile changes after the BAAS has been selected, no changes are required.


The supported AuthProfile types are:

  • oauth2


When using an oauth2 auth profile with a BAAS, an ‘Authorization’ header is automatically added containing the AccessToken that was retrieved during the secure session login process.