Twilio Voice


  • A Twilio account. Sign up at:
  • A ServisBOT Bot, configured with some intents (or flow) and a welcome message.

Configure AudioCodes for your bot

  • Create a new secret document for your engagement adapter. You’ll need your Account SID, Auth Token and a phone Number.
    "Name": "twiliovoicesecret",
    "Type": "secretdoc",
    "Value": {
        "PhoneNumber": "+44XXXXXXXXXXXX"
  • In Twilio, you’ll also need to configure this phone number’s A call comes in webhook to point to our conversation service:
    • Replace $REGION with your servisbot region (e.g. eu1, us1)
    • Replace $ORG with your organization name
    • Replace $ADDRESS with the address of the endpoint you created
  • Lastly, create an endpoint of type Twilio engagement type adapter. A sample engagement adapter config follows:
  "Address": "acme-TwilioVoiceAdapter",
  "OutboundBotReference": "TwilioVoiceAdapter",
  "InboundBotReference": "TwilioVoiceAdapter",
  "Organization": "acme",
  "EngagementType": "TwilioVoice",
  "EngagementConfig": {
    "Secret": "srn:vault::acme:secretdoc:twiliovoicesecret",
    "StatusEvents": [
    "MachineDetection": "DetectMessageEnd"
  "Status": "online",
  "AllowedDomains": ["*"],
  "Useragent": "useragent",
  "TargetBotReference": "TwilioVoiceAdapter",
  "Name": "acme TwilioVoiceAdapter default endpoint",
  "Srn": "srn:botnet:eu-private-3:acme:endpoint:acme-twiliovoiceadapter"
  • Replace acme with your org name
  • Replace TwilioVoiceAdapter with the name of your bot

Test your Bot

Now, dial the Twilio number you associated with the bot above. You should hear & be interacting with your bot over voice.