Type: NLP Worker
A Wit.ai worker takes user input and sends it to a wit.ai bot for natural language processing. This worker can be created through the CLI or through the Add Resource
button on a bot’s detail page.
A Wit.ai worker requires server access token which can be retreived from wit.ai settings for your bot.
Save this json to a file and create a worker using the cli command sb-cli worker create file.json
"Data": {
"NluConfiguration": {
"ServerAccessToken": "srn:vault::ORGANIZATION:secret:wit-test",
"NluConfidenceThresholdOverride": 0.8
"NluType": "Wit.ai"
"Organization": "ORGANIZATION",
"Config": {
"Avatar": "default-bot"
"Enabled": true,
"Updated": 1608652074324,
"Description": "A Wit.ai worker",
"Id": "4685b16c-a305-4b0c-b33d-8ae12b81ff9a",
"Type": "nlp-worker",
"Name": "WitWorker",
"Created": 1608652074324,
"Status": "published",
"Srn": "srn:botnet:REGION:ORGANIZATION:worker:4685b16c-a305-4b0c-b33d-8ae12b81ff9a"
Once you have created the worker using the CLI, it will return an ID for you. You need to then update/create a bot and place the worker at the top with the id and the type of nlp-worker"