Async API Connector

Async API Connector

An Async API Connector will re-try requests based on an API response at a scheduled time. This is useful if you require a high degree of reliability without immediate delivery.

To enable async requests use the type async-private-api-connector. This will operate the same as a private api connector but will retry the request if it fails. The retry logic is based on the configuration in the Async object.

  "Async": {
      "MaxAttempts": 3, // optional - default 3, The amount of times to attempt this request
      "RetryDelay": 5, // optional - default 5, The amount of time in minutes to wait before retrying the request
      "SuccessCodes": [200] // optional - default [200], The response codes that are considered successful
  "Method": "POST",
  "Endpoint": "",
  "Headers": {},
  "Alias": "myApi",
  "Organization": "acme",
  "Updated": 1714567399195,
  "RequestMapping": {
    "bodyMapping1": {
      "type": "requestBody",
      "requestBodyPath": "$.Summary",
      "inputPath": "$.summary"
  "ResponseMapping": {},
  "Type": "async-private-api-connector",
  "Body": {},

The above example contains the system defaults.

  • MaxAttempts - Is set to 3, this means that the request will be attempted 3 times.
    • The first time on the initial Api Connector node/request.
    • If the first request is not successful then the second time after the RetryDelay has passed.
    • If the second request is not successful then the third time after the RetryDelay has passed.
  • RetryDelay - Is set to 5, this means that the request will be retried 5 minutes after the previous request.
  • SuccessCodes - Is set to [200], this means that the request will be considered successful and will not retry if the response code is 200.

Supported Connector Types

Currently, the following connector types are supported for async requests: